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Doping and charge transport are key processes to enhance electrical, thermal and optical functions in organic and hybrid materials. They underpin emerging energy saving and bioelectronic devices. The symposium will bring together key investigators to discuss challenges and perspectives of widespread applications of organic and hybrid electronics. Scope: Scope of the symposium is to bring together the experimental and theoretical communities to discuss new challenges and perspectives in the areas of doping and charge transport processes in organic and hybrid functional materials. Such themes have been the subject of in-depth investigations in the past, however new findings are challenging the traditional structure-property paradigms, which have been driving the materials design and modeling up to now. The doping mechanisms and the role of dopants in governing the structural and functional properties of either high-charge carrier mobility polymers or perovskites is not well understood yet. New molecular-design methods, dopants and doping techniques are continuously enhancing the values of parameters such as the electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and redox activities, paving the way for organic and hybrid materials to emerging applications such as thermoelectric, supercapacitors and bioelectronic devices. Great challenges still have to be faced, mainly regarding: Materials Synthesis Design and synthesis of new organic semiconductors including both small molecule and polymeric conjugated materials Design and synthesis of new dopant systems Design and synthesis of new hybrid materials Materials and Device Characterization Fundamental understanding of the various doping mechanisms Overcome limited processability and control over the microstructure of doped films Fundamental understanding of the intrinsic chemical instability of n-doped films Materials Modeling Modeling morphology and structural properties of doped organic and hybrid materials. Modeling the spectroscopic properties of doped organic and hybrid materials. Understanding charge and thermal transfer dynamics in functional materials via multi-scale first principles simulations. Hot topics to be covered by the symposium: Fundamental mechanisms of bulk and interface doping. Structural, optical, electronic, and thermoelectric properties of doped organic and hybrid materials. Charge transport in intrinsic and doped systems. First-principles methods for charge and thermal transport properties in doped organic and hybrid materials. Steady-state and time-dependent vibrational and electronic spectroscopies in doped materials. List of invited speakers (confirmed): Thomas Anthopoulos (KAUST) – OFET and materials Michael Chabinyc (UCSB) – organic thermoelectric Adam Moulé (UC Davis) – doping in organic materials Christian Mueller (Chalmers University) – materials chemistry and doping Martijn Kemerink (Linköping University) – doping and device physics Alberto Salleo (Stanford University) – structure-property relationships, doping Antonio Facchetti (Northwestern University) – materials chemistry, OFET, PV Mariano Campoy-Quiles (ICMAB-CSIC) – polymer, perovskite solar cells Mario Caironi, (IIT) – device phyiscs, organic thermoelectric Jana Zaumseil (Heidelberg University) – nanotubes, OECT John Grey, (Uni. New Mexico) - spectroscopy of organic semiconductors Koen Vandewal (Hasselt Uni.) – charge recombination in organic solar cells Natalie Banerji (Uni. Bern) - molecular spectroscopy of organic semiconductors Fabrizia Negri (Uni. Bologna, Italy) – charge transport modeling, organic Veaceslav Coropceanu (Georgia Tech, US) – electron-phonon couplings Jenny Nelson (Imperial College London, UK) – modeling device physics Xavier Blase (CNRS, France) – modeling doping in organic materials Klaus Meerholz (Uni. Cologne) - OLED, device physics Publication: Selected papers will be published in the journals Advanced Materials Technologies and Advanced Electronic Materials (Wiley-VCH).

  • Date:31/05/2021 09:00 - 04/06/2021 13:12
  • Location Online Event